fennel, litchi, and roses

Using the edible roses I bought at Berkeley Bowl, I made a sweet topping/compote that complements vanilla ice cream or yogurt. I’ve always been intrigued by the slightly floral taste of litchi, which is accentuated here by the rose petals and rounded out by the anise flavor of fennel. These were all combined in a base of light honey syrup. You can play around with the texture by adding less water for a heavier syrup. A and I ate this atop vanilla goat’s milk ice cream. Yum.

fennel, litchi, and rose petal topping

1 TBS honey
3 TBS water (plus 1 TBS if necessary)
1/4 small fennel, cored and diced
3 litchi nuts, peeled, stone removed, and diced
4 small edible roses, petals only
~1 tsp fine lemon zest

  • In a small pot, bring the water and honey to the boil. Let the water evaporate somewhat so that you have a light syrup, and turn down the flame to medium.
  • Add the fennel and simmer until the fennel softens. If the syrup doesn’t cover the fennel, add an additional tablespoon of water. Simmer uncovered to let some of the water evaporate if the syrup looks too watery.
  • Add the diced litchi and stir. Turn off the heat.
  • Toss in the rose petals and grate in the lemon zest.
  • Toss, place in a cool, non-heat condusive container, and chill in the refrigerator.

Serves 2 over ice cream or yogurt.

About shelly

Exploring the vast culinary jungles of the San Francisco Bay Area, and my own kitchen. Khaki shorts and safari hat optional.
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