your humble servant, a criminal!

The other day, I was unceremoniously awakened—from a restful, sound sleep, I might add—by an irritating siren.
Weeee-oooo, weee-oooo!
*Bam, bam, bam*
“Wha? Who is it?”
“Ma’am, are you the author of anopencupboard dot com?”
“You’re under arrest for flagrant foodblog neglect. Step outside please.”
“What? Wait a minute… I was away, you know, jet lag and stuff…I–”
“Uh-huh. Ma’am, when’s the last time you updated your blog?”
“Well, um… not that long ago really, you know I’ve been busy and–”
“Come again?”
“OK over two weeks ago.”
“Two weeks. Do you know how far beyond the legal limit that is?”
“Well, no, I–”
“Do you always let your readers wander aimlessly about the web, leaving them to search for Rachael Ray recipes in a haze of despair?”
“What, all three of them?”
“*Cough*… do I need to read you your Marinara Rights?”
“I want a food lawyer.”
“Lawyer, shmawyer. Here’s a keyboard and a DSL connection. Sit your hiney down and write.”
“You’re pretty snarky for a foodcop.”
“Of course I am, I’m your alter-ego. Now shut it and type.”

I swear, dear readers, that’s how it went down. They let me off easy this time. I only escaped jail time because I promised to update my blog immediately, and pay a penalty of two Cabernets and a rigot pie. I was almost Martha Stewart’s cellmate (*shudder*). You see what I go through for you?

Honestly, though, I do apologize. Did I mention that my wireless card stopped working after my first day in Stockholm? OK, OK, no more excuses. Over the next week I hope to report on the wonderful foods I sampled in Stockholm, my trips to the local markets, the foods I brought home, and more. Stay tuned!

About shelly

Exploring the vast culinary jungles of the San Francisco Bay Area, and my own kitchen. Khaki shorts and safari hat optional.
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