cool links

Here are some links to some food-related stories and content I’ve been looking at recently:

Upcoming events in the San Francisco Bay Area:

  • Litquake Lit Crawl: Writers on Food and Wine, Saturday October 14, 8:30pm-9:30pm. The San Francisco literary festival includes a lineup of foodwriters at Laszlo Bar, MCed by Shuna of Eggbeater (by way of Eggbeater)
  • Food for Thought: Filmmakers Lilach Dekel and Rod Bachar travel 15,000 miles over 5 months to document where exactly their food comes from (sponsored by, to be screened in San Jose on November 8)

About shelly

Exploring the vast culinary jungles of the San Francisco Bay Area, and my own kitchen. Khaki shorts and safari hat optional.
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